Spyware Symptoms

When we talk about spyware symptoms, we talk about both how you get spy-ware and what the symptoms of having it in your system are. Knowing this can help you in choosing an effective antispyware and adware removal tool.


Spying software is a major threat to security and privacy since it monitors your computer activity without you being aware of it and relays that information to someone who wants to use this information for commercial purposes.


How Spy Programs Comes Into Your Computer


Usually spy-ware shows up as irritating pop ups or spam that you obviously don't want. The Trojans behave like viruses. You unwittingly allow unwanted spy software into your computer when you browse the web or through Peer to peer file-sharing programs where it is bundled within the programs you download. More surprisingly, though you could be installing legitimate software, and the spy-ware and adware would be incorporated in it, especially with free downloads like screen savers. You agree to an end user agreement that runs to several pages and when you consent to the download, you have already given permission to let all the spy program in!


The Effects Of Spyware


How do you suspect you have spy-ware in your system? Here's how:


Slow, Slower, Slowest: Your PC or network is slow, and it takes longer to shut down or boot. It takes longer to connect to the Internet and the connection speeds are significantly slower. Just a couple of adware programs can affect your pc drastically. Bandwidth is wasted since such malware use it to send its own info.


What's that new toolbar: Some spy-ware hijacker programs just present you with toolbars you never asked for, that quietly spy on you.


A new desktop shortcut? Another irritating freebie from your spyware.


A brand new default homepage that's up to no good: You certainly didn't ask for it. And worse still, spy software wont let you change it. Or visit websites of your choice.


You didn't look for it: When you browse and search, the spy program comes up with search results quite different from what you ought to have got, and then they direct you to websites of their own choice.


Error pages: When a particular URL you looked for can't be found, error hijackers just show strange new error pages. Sometimes they show pages loaded with full page ads you just cant seem to close. Adware can really mess up your computer and make it barely functional.


Removing Spy-ware


Removing spy software is not easy and quite risky. The uninstallers do not completely uninstall and sometimes reinstall themselves. They rewrite your registry. So just install an antispyware solution that finds and removes all spy-ware and adware cleanly. Protect your pc.


Author is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Anti Spyware, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter. Learn how to use Anti Spyware [http://www.yoursslsource.com/Content/Spyware-Symptoms.htm] software to clean and protect Pc. Visit our Home page [http://www.yoursslsource.com] or Resource Center [http://www.yoursslsource.com/resourcecenter.aspx] to read more about products and download free trial of a range of security and performance enhancing software like

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