Dog Heeling Training, Made Simple!
Heeling training is important and is like your dogs line of communication with you, literally. Make sure you realize that by using a leash, you know that it's not a restraining device. You don't want to tug, you want to lead him. A way of making it through the park with out distractions. Heeling training promotes proper behavior. This is a good thing to learn, you don't want an out of control dog after all. Heeling training isn't a very difficult task to grasp, but it does help if your dog knows how to come first. The leash is your dogs life line, you want him by your side and doing so in an obedient way. Who doesn't want a well behaved dog, that listens to you and does what he's told? I know that I sure do.
Just start with the leash, hold a treat in your hand, to give your dog something for following your command the right way. Heeling training will become like second nature to your dog as long as you practice the heeling training on a regular basis. Now that doesn't mean every time you go for a walk but just enough to learn the command properly. Don't punish the dog if heel training isn't going as fast as you'd like. It takes time like anything else. Especially when your dog is still a youngster, he does not know any better unless you teach him the proper way of doing things. Speak positively and in a nice tone when commanding your dog. He won't want to respond positively to you if your being mean to him, you maybe scaring him you don't want that. Feel free to check out the free dog training lesson video, in the link below. Hope it helps and good luck with your dog!
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